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Traveling by car in Sweden

Traveling by car in Sweden offers unparalleled opportunities to explore Sweden's unique landscapes, from the boreal forests to the shores of the Baltic Sea. It is important to note that for such a trip you need to be well prepared and know the peculiarities of local traffic and legislation.

Requirement for an International Driving Permit (IDP) in Sweden:

For foreign tourists who want to drive a car in Sweden, having an IDP is mandatory. This document serves as a translation of your national driving license and facilitates communication with local authorities in the event of an inspection. An IDP is especially important for those who do not speak Swedish or English.

Driving features and car rental requirements:

  • Minimum driver age: To rent a car in Sweden, you must be at least 20 years old and have obtained your driver's license at least 2 years before the start of your rental.

  • Documents: In addition to the IDP, you will need a national driver's license, passport and insurance policy.

  • Road equipment: Studded or winter tires are required in Sweden during the winter. Also make sure the vehicle has a warning triangle and registration certificate.

  • Fines: The fine for not having an IDP or violating traffic rules can be significant, so always make sure you follow local regulations.

Popular routes and attractions:

  • Stockholm: The capital of Sweden with its historical past and modern areas.

  • Gothenburg and Malmรถ: Other major cities with rich history and cultural attractions.

  • Nature parks and reserves: Sweden is known for its nature reserves and national parks, offering stunning scenery and outdoor activities.

When planning a car trip around Sweden, think about your route in advance to include as many interesting places as possible. Be sure to reserve a car and complete all necessary documents in advance. Following these simple rules will help you avoid problems and enjoy your trip through one of the most beautiful and amazing countries in Scandinavia.